Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Quote & Thoughts to Carry Into the New Year - 2009 is a Universal Year of 11 Vibrational Energy....

"I offer you peace. I offer you love. I see your beauty.
I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and peace."
~ Ghandi

Welcome to 2009, a Universal year of 11 vibrational energy (2+0+0+9 = 11).

There has not been a Universal 11 year since 1910, thus well over 99% of the worlds population have never experienced a Universal 11 year vibration in their lifetime… so this is a biggy for our entire planet !

In numerology the number 11 is a Master Number – ‘Master’ meaning it is of intense/high vibrational frequency and works within the etherical, magical and transcendental realms of creation. Master numbers possess great potential for learning and growth, and can bring major transformations in life.


The number 11 is the most intuitive number and is a clear channel to the subconscious. It is the number of leadership, personal power and spiritual truths.

The number 1 by itself represents leadership, initiative and new beginnings… thus two number 1’s together opens a gateway of potential far greater than the sum of its parts.

The gateway of the Master Number 11, is the freedom of choice. The freedom to choose a path of truth, authenticity & Love, or conversely to recoil in fear, pain and stagnation.

Thus the 11 Universal vibration year will bring about a planetary rLOVEution of grand proportions and connect EARTH back to the HEART (just move the H from the end to the beginning) of LOVE (Live, One, Vibrational, Energy).

With Pluto (transformation) sitting in the sign of Capricorn (hardwork, honesty, integrity) until 2024 and also in January 2009 Jupiter (expansion) sitting in Aquarius (humanitarian, visionary) for the next 12 months… our 2009 vibrational 11 year is being powered by visionary & humanitarian principles of change. Change for the greater good of all.

This change is happening now from the ground up, and we are noticing the effects around us as we witness the breaking down of outmoded authority structures, governments, financial markets and religion.

In a Universal 11 year, we have the choice to react to these changes in fear, or actively participate in the re-building of a new society with LOVE. The choices we make this year, in a Universal 11 year have the potential to facilitate great leaps in the collective consciousness of our planet…


What we will see around the planet during 2009 are more and more people seeking answers to life’s questions, and waking up from the deep sleep or hypnotic trance of illusion. People from all nations, religions, walks of life will be propelled to speak up, express their truths and seek the truth from those in positions of power.

There is power in the masses, and the Universal 11 year will bring this to the fore. My suggestion for 2009 is to utilize the Universal 11 energy to its highest level of resonance by taking self-responsibility for all your actions.


In numerology the word ‘VIBRATION’ is the number 11, so what ‘VIBRATION’ are you creating in the world ? Are your thoughts, actions, emotions representative of your greater personal and hence collective vision, or is your VIBRATION working the 11 energy in fear ?

You have the choice to align your 11 VIBRATION in Love, Compassion & Unity … what are you going to choose in each moment throughout 2009.

As you make a list of your choices, your visions for a greater self, and the goals and dreams of life during 2009, take a moment to reflect on other ‘11’ words in numerology that you may like to consciously work with 2009 to move through the gateway of LOVE.

ENERGY – 11 in Numerology
How will you direct your ENERGY (11) from within, thus your VIBRATION(11)ary field during 2009 ?

LIGHT – 11 in Numerology
The Light of Creation is within you, you are the ALL of Creation. Thus during 2009 take acknowledge your infinite power within, and create the change from the inside out.

WISDOM – 11 in Numerology
All the Universal Laws and WISDOM (11) of Creation resides within you also, as you are the ALL. Thus during 2009 there is no need to search for answers external to you, as all the answers reside within.

PURITY – 11 in Numerology
Align your ENERGY(11), LIGHT(11), WISDOM(11) in the PURITY(11) of the LOVE of Creation. It is from this point that all healing begins.

DIVINE EMANATION – 11 in Numerology
There are twelve DIVINE EMANATION(11)s or Universal Laws that underpin the workings of Creative Evolution of all Creation.

PURPOSE – 11 in Numerology
What is your PURPOSE(11) here on Earth, and how may you work to the highest level of this purpose in this lifetime. An 11 vibration year is the perfect year to reconnect with ‘how may I serve’.

HEALING – 11 in Numerology
Take the time during 2009 for HEALING(11). Heal the pain of duality within, give compassion, understanding and forgiveness to self. Heal the Healer.

ANGELS - 22 in Numerology (11:11)
We have an angel standing each side of us, ANGELS(22), guiding our ascension journey. We are not alone, we are all ONE.

During 2009, if you would like to awaken to the divine energy of Creation within, and consciously work with the 11 Vibration, then you may like to consider a self study course, workshop, or practitioner/teacher course. ( Kit's Bit: I highly recommend a Tony Robbins event. You can learn more at this link.)

The article is © Simone M Matthews 2008 and it appeared at this link.

Happy New Year My Dear Friends,
Let Us Make Love and Peace on Planet Earth This Year.

Kytka, Zachary, Zanna & Zynnia

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Children's Voices Shall Change the World

Please take a moment to listen to the voice of this young angel, and his message...

Performed by Declan Galbraith

Love & Light~
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Check out A Personal Message From Tony Robbins

Here it is - another incredible addition to this blog. You realize that you HAVE ALL YOU NEED to get exactly what you want in life...  And this blog, and the pages and pages of info here is FREE... So what are you waiting for? 

 A Personal Message From Tony Robbins 

May you come to realize that TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Check out Musts vs. Shoulds: The Power Of Clarity And Purpose

I want you to take a look at:

Musts vs. Shoulds: The Power Of Clarity And Purpose 

Live With Passion!

Get Whatever You Want - You Deserve It!

Use Your Power to Get Whatever You Want
By Andreas Ohrt
Editor, Mind Power News

Over the past 18 years, I have been obsessed with learning how we
can change our reality with the creative power of our minds. I've studied dozens of experts, read hundreds of books, and spent thousands of dollars in this quest. Through all of my experimentation, I've discovered that there are five simple core principles at the heart of the creation process.

In this short article, I have tried to make this knowledge assimple as humanly possible. I want every single person reading this to be able to take this information and use it, easily and quickly. Here then, is the most simple possible explanation of the power ofyour creative energy. Follow these five steps, and any goal can be yours.

Yes, it seems so obvious, doesn't it?

Yet this most basic fist step is missed by the majority of people. You must know what you want as specifically as possible. This is the magic first step.

Daydreaming about your future will not bring you what you want. Waiting for life to work out the way you've always expected won't bring you what you want. The only way to get what you want is to decide, with clarity and focus, exactly what you want to create.

So how do you know what you want? Well, it's very simple. Write down your desires, your dreams, and everything that you want for your life. Then pick the one thing on your list that you know you could accomplish if you dedicated some energy to it. Pick that one and forget about the rest. Pick the very next goal in the creation of your live and go for it.

Focus, focus, focus. Don't waste your energy wishing and dreaming for a million and one things. Pick one and go with it. Just as the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so does the journey to your ideal life begin with a single goal.

So begin with an easy, do-able goal, so far unaccomplished, plug iti nto this 5-step system. Write down as specifically and exactly what it is you will create. After it's finished, move on to the next goal.

You must give positive focus, energy, and attention to your goal. Setting a goal and then forgetting about it will not do. You must imprint it on your conscious and subconscious mind until it becomes reality.

Remember, thought is blindingly fast compared to the manifestation of thoughts into reality. Of course, as you practice this system and become more confident, your thoughts will come into reality much more quickly. But as a beginner, you must keep your energy and intention directly on your goal.

You must focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. Stop complaining about things that are not the way you want them to be. Instead, decide how you would like them to be and focus on that. Whenever you find yourself giving attention to some area of your life with which you are unhappy, immediately ask yourself "What do I want in this situation?" and focus on the answer.

Take a look at your goal every day, give it positive focus and attention. Before you fall asleep and after you wake up, instead ofworrying about your problems, imagine your goal successfully attained, and feel how you would feel if your goal was accomplished. Go to sleep with this feeling, and your subconscious mind will quickly find a way to bring it into your reality.

You must take action towards your goal, and you must take action right now! There is no other time that you can act. The past isgone, the future is an illusion. Making plans to take action is not action. You must take action right now.

There is always something that you can do to propel you towards your goal. It doesn't matter how tiny the action is, or how insignificant you might feel it is, you must do it. There is always some small step you can take. Take that step.

You must convince your subconscious mind that you are serious about accomplishing your goal, and there is nothing more convincing than taking action.

No matter where you are along your path to your goal, no matter how near or far you mights feel to be, there is always an obvious next step you can take. Take that step in this present moment. Right now.

If you have trouble figuring out what to do, or are paralyzed into inaction because it seems there are too many things to do, just do this: Make a list of all the things that need to happen in order for your goal to arrive. List all the intermediary steps that you will experience as your goal begins to enter your life.

Somewhere on this list will be the obvious next step. Do it. Do it now!

If your goal is truly out of your hands, you need a new goal. Waiting for other people to change or give you what you want is a sure way to always be unsatisfied. You must pick a goal you are in control of and do whatever it takes to make it come true. That is the only path to power and mastery in life, and the only way to ever feel fulfilled.

You must be consistent. You must, consistently, choose the same goal every day until your goal is accomplished. You cannot send out constantly changing vague wishes into the universe and expect to create results in the real world.

It's as simple as ordering a meal in a restaurant. You must decide what you want and then ask for it. If you can't make up your mind the waiter will simply serve someone else until you're ready. If you do not provide the universe with a specific goal which you consistently take action toward, your "meal" will never come to you.

And the most important secret of all, DON'T GIVE UP UNTIL YOUR GOAL IS ACCOMPLISHED.

This article is excerpted from the e-book, "Mon.ey Making Secrets of Mind Power Masters,"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kids and Abundance in Recession Times

A few weeks ago I interviewed Jenn Munger on "Creating Abundance in a Recession."

We discussed ways we can influence our children to nurture their "prosperity consciousness."

But did you ever wonder, exactly how to do that?

I know I face this challenge every day. My kids wanta lot of things and I have tobite my tongue sometimes from saying, "Sorry, honey. We can't afford that."

Instead, I say, "How can we create a plan to get that new Ipod or cell phone?"

Well, I have some really great news concerning this topic.

I've just discovered how you can"teach" your child or grandchild the principals of The NEW "Think And Grow Rich" through a UNIQUE Training Program that even a 5-year-old can Master!

Think Your Way to Riches Kids' Style work book is NOT a book you read and put on a shelf to gather dust! This kids style study course is a comprehensive Visual and Audio package that takes you and your child by the hand and walks you through a complete 13 pointstep-by-step plan, allowing your child to discover THEIR personal pathway to riches.

It teaches them how to think abundant thoughts, plus gives them ideas on how to make organized plans for their future success.

You can learn more about it here - just eneter the site and then search for "think your way to riches".

I personally think this is a fantastic holiday gift idea. Not only is it fun, it will teach them valuable lessons about how to create abundance that they'll be able to use for a lifetime.

It really is an awesome system, and let's face it...They don't teach this stuff in schools!

And now, more than ever, it's importantthat we share these abundanceprinciples with our families. (This program will help elevate YOUR prosperity consciousness too!)

Abundance is yours for the receiving. It's just a matter of choosing to believe moment by moment, that you are abundant. And when you forget, you can gently remindyourself.

Here's to your happiness and success!
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Stress Busting Activities

21 stress-busting activities that you can refer to next time you may need it. Most of them do not cost anything and take little time to do. Let me share them with you...
  1. Breath deeper
  2. Focus on the moment
  3. Connect with nature (even just looking out of the window and consciously connecting with something you see outside helps)
  4. Take a bath (going to the Spa is even better when possible)
  5. Laugh as much as possible
  6. Watch the news as little as possible (just enough to know what is going on in the world)
  7. Make love
  8. Get enough sleep (very important!)
  9. Dance
  10. Sing
  11. Stretch
  12. Be kind to self
  13. Eat chocolate
  14. Put things in perspective
  15. Change your expectations (of self, others, or the circumstances)
  16. Spend time with people you love to be with
  17. De-clutter the closet
  18. Clear your working space
  19. Cry if you feel like it (release emotions)
  20. Help someone else who is stressed
  21. Be grateful

“Everything works out in the end.
If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end”
~ Unknown

Shift - A Game to Change Your Life

Shift is a board game for 2-6 players. It is about Love, Fear, Work, Relationships and Human Behavior …and it might just change your life.

Have you ever wondered why some see a sunset and immediately become grateful while others see a sunset and immediately think, "Man, where did the day go?"

Or why some people can spill a glass of wine and think that will make a great story, while others will see it as having the same catastrophic impact as the sinking of The Titanic, and then conclude it was the vineyards fault for making the wine? Then, get these answers and more… Shift is a personality x-ray machine that enables you to see what’s driving your friends and most importantly, what’s driving you.

All it takes is a shift in thought to shift your life…

Shift includes thoughts from great minds such as Buddha, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and more. To put a spin on things, we’ve had our very own stand-up comedian take some of these concepts and make them more fun. So, go ahead and laugh!

The reason we created this game is simple. We want to remind you that you have the ability to control your thoughts once you are aware of what you are thinking. What you believe is what you will experience.

If after playing this game, you start seeing where your thoughts are coming from, then we all win. And, if you can actually change those thoughts, can you imagine what we will be able to shift?

To your conrinued growth and success!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Leap, The Movie, RELEASED Today!

From the Creators: After 2 years of following our inspiration, Leap! launches tonight. Chad and I began this guided journey over two years ago and this evening, we'll see the fruits of our nature. Leap! is not another "woo woo, we're all one" production.This movie is non duality for the Pepsi Generation. Throughout history, interpretations have needed to be updated as new generations arrived. Leap! is not a movie about a lost secret or hidden tool. It's a contemporary look at the oldest idea in the human consciousness. Leap! takes you back to the origin of your true nature and creates a gateway for you to begin the longest journey back to a place you never left.

"It was never about making a movie, but about documenting our discovery of the nature of this thing called "reality." We realized that when we wake up to who we truly are, it's a very freeing and empowering experience, and we wanted to share that. We encourage you to follow your inspiration in every area of your life!"
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Monday, December 1, 2008

75% Off Mind Movies - PLUS Free Bonuses - Hurry!

Get Your Mind Movie Creation Kit for 75% Off AND Get FOUR Additional Bonuses Too! Valued at $537.00

If a whopping 75% discount isn't enough to grab your attention, these FOUR additional gifts surely will:

  • Bonuses 1: ($210 Value) 6 Brain Entrainment Audios specifically designed For Mind Movies by Morry Zelcovitch
  • Bonuses 2: ($47 Value) David Wolfe's - The Best Day Ever - Attract Wealth Through Health
  • Bonuses 3: ($195 Value) 5 Pre-Made Mind Movies specifically designed For Kidsby Amanda van der Gulik
  • Bonuses 4: ($85 Value) Joe Vitale and Hew Len - A Dinner with the Divine.
Get All The Details Of The Bonuses Here:

Yes, that's a ton of life changing power tools for you,and you get them ALL just for trying the entire system for 75% off.

Get Yours Here And Get Started

To your lasting success and happiness,

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Law of Attraction for Kids and Teens

Finally, A Simple Way To Learn How To Share The Law of Attraction With Kids and Teens

Whether You’re Brand New To The Law of Attraction, Or Whether You’ve Been “Consciously Creating” Your Life For Years, You’re About To Learn The Exact Techniques Parents Use to Help Raise Happy, Fulfilled Kids and Teens

Have you often asked yourself...

How can I share The Law of Attraction with my kids when I’m not sure I understand it myself?
How can I start saying what I want instead of what I don’t want to my kids?
How can I ever make a difference when my husband (wife) is so negative?
Or, How Can I (fill in the blank)?

You'll also receive a Free Guide, "The 7 Secrets of How To Share the Law of Attraction With Kids And Teens" just for signing up! ;-)
To your continued growth and success!
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Raw Food Guru Has Some INCREDIBLE NEWS!

My Dear Friend, Raw Foods Guru David Wolfe, reveals the most dangerous invention in the history of the world and you will be so surprised what it is and how it affects you...

Please take the time to watch this important video.