Thursday, January 22, 2009

Diva Success Secrets

Finally…7 women millionaire marketers will blow open the curtain and give you an insider’s look at the time-tested and proven marketing strategies that have taken them to the top of their field and how
YOU can get there too!

Do these women have something you don't have? Better DNA? More hours in their day? Supernatural intelligence? A better starting point? No, absolutely not.

One was bankrupt others near it, one came to America with less that $300 dollars, they each had their distinct challenges but learned key success secrets to amass tens of millions of dollars.

Diva Success Secrets

Actually, the main reason some women get everything they want is that they’ve learned the secrets of simple and smart techniques that produce million-dollar results – time and time again. Techniques that train their minds into recreating their successes year after year – automatically.

And the best part? These techniques are just that – techniques. . .which means that by learning and applying these simple methods, you can create the same results in your life!

Diva Success Secrets

Doesn't that sound just like what you have been waiting for? Click the link and get your FREE FIRST CHAPTER immediatly to get yourself started.

Diva Success Secrets

May you continually be blessed as the universe unfolds before you..

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

The Masters Gathering

As you know, the more time we spend on our own spiritual development, the more we can be a greater role model for our kids... Which is why I wanted to tell you as soon as I heard:

The world's top transformation experts and best selling authors have come together for a once and a life time event...


This will be an AllStar Cast that includes:

  • T.Harv Eker
  • Jack Canfield
  • Bob Proctor
  • Joe Vitale
  • John Demartini
  • Bob Doyle
  • David Wolfe
  • Loral Langemeier
  • Dr. Ben Johnson
  • John Assaraf
  • Hale Dwoskin
  • Bill Harris
  • Marci Shimoff
  • Janet Atwood
  • Mary Morrissey
  • And more!!

They will be releasing exclusive videos from some of the top Masters very soon! If you want to be first to watch and be notified when this happens...then just go right here:


May you continually be blessed as the Universe unfolds before you...

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Five Modes of Prayer - Setting Our Intent

I just watched this and was inspired to share with all of my Blogger friends!

I hope everyone has a fantastic week!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Beginnings

Find more videos like this on

The GREATEST Advice in 2009

Good Morning friends...

I just found out that Joel Bauer will also be at the Wealth Summit. Unless you have been living in a cave, you know who he is, right? Well... if you don't - watch this quick video:

Impressed? This man is a genius and he will be at the Wealth Summit with numerous others.

I will be there because I have vision, I have goals, I have plans... and I hope I will have the pleasure to seeing YOU there!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

New Year's Message from Gary King

Gary King, creator of 24 Hour Truth Challenge, comes up with a quick way to demonstrate to kids (at this New Years eve gathering - Kytka's kids!) how to become part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Gary will be speaking at the Wealth Summit Live in Orlando Florida, January 24 & 25 and Zachary and I will be there and we hope you will be too!

There is an AMAZING line-up of people there who are world renowned experts in their fields... but first take a peek at Gary's message:

The speakers at this event are world renowned experts in their fields, and include:

Dolf de Roos, who is a world renowned real estate investor. He currently has projects totaling over 3 billion under development all over the world. He has shared the stage with almost everyone including Anthony Robbins and Donald Trump. He has written over 11 books on wealth and real estate.

Harry S. Dent Jr., who is a world famous economist and Harvard MBA who accurately foretold the recession of 1990-1991, the expansion of the mid-nineties, and the boom of 1998-2000.

Joel Comm, who is an online marketing mastermind. He sold his first website to Yahoo in 1997, and has created hundreds of more websites that make him millions each year.

“Aussie Rob” Wilson, who is a trading mastermind from Australia. He has developed easy, effective and simple ways to maximize your success in trading.

Loral Langemeier, who is a business coach and entrepreneur. She first became a multi-millionaire when she was 35. She believes and teaches financial independence through teamwork.

Gary King, who is the foremost expert on those searching for honesty, integrity, forgiveness, peace and health. He has traveled the world and changes people lives by sharing his simple and power strategies.

Ephren Taylor, who has been named by The Michigan Chronicle as one of 2007’s ten people making a global difference, alongside now President Elect Barack Obama, Ephren W. Taylor II is the youngest African-American CEO of any publicly traded company ever. Described as “walking history” by popular radio show host Tom Joyner, Taylor started his first business venture at age 12, when he began making video games. By age 17, he built a multi-million dollar technology company while still in High School.

Rob Hannley, who is an industry veteran with more than 15 years of success working from home under his belt and a passion for home business to be done the right way. Rob has helped others make millions in finding the right home based business. According to Rob, when times are tough people look for alternatives and home based businesses often the best solution.

Mystery Guest hint: he is one of the world’s top money management experts, his clients are many of the ‘A’ list celebrities and professional athletes in the world. He rarely does public presentations, but in this very special session, designed just for attendees of Wealth Summit Live, you’ll be mesmorized about what to do next in this economy. He will shares his views on what’s really happening in the world economy, and he’ll give you practical and little-known insight that you can immediately implement into your investments to make money and reduce your risk!

Joel Dunn: Author of best selling books which include: "Hustle, Hustle–The Business Of Magic", "How to Persuade People Who Don't Want to be Persuaded", "Gravitational Marketing", and soon to be released, "Retire In 5-8 Years As An Infotainer" Creator of four systems on personal marketing, branding, passion, Infotainment, speaking, and closing from the platform, Featured media personality on CNN, CNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and in SUCCESS, WIRED, and The Wall Street Journal to name a few, Retired at 43...

Now for the details: The event is in Orlando Florida at the JW Marriott. Those of you who were at Tony Robbins' Date With Destiny will recall this gorgous hotel.

The date is January 24 & 25.

But here is the very best part... the cost is ONLY $197 for the two day event.

That is correct and not a typo... $197 to be in the realm of these world renowned experts and leaders in their fields... What a fantastic way to begin 2009.

You cannot afford to miss this event... I will see you there!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek