Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Quote & Thoughts to Carry Into the New Year - 2009 is a Universal Year of 11 Vibrational Energy....

"I offer you peace. I offer you love. I see your beauty.
I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and peace."
~ Ghandi

Welcome to 2009, a Universal year of 11 vibrational energy (2+0+0+9 = 11).

There has not been a Universal 11 year since 1910, thus well over 99% of the worlds population have never experienced a Universal 11 year vibration in their lifetime… so this is a biggy for our entire planet !

In numerology the number 11 is a Master Number – ‘Master’ meaning it is of intense/high vibrational frequency and works within the etherical, magical and transcendental realms of creation. Master numbers possess great potential for learning and growth, and can bring major transformations in life.


The number 11 is the most intuitive number and is a clear channel to the subconscious. It is the number of leadership, personal power and spiritual truths.

The number 1 by itself represents leadership, initiative and new beginnings… thus two number 1’s together opens a gateway of potential far greater than the sum of its parts.

The gateway of the Master Number 11, is the freedom of choice. The freedom to choose a path of truth, authenticity & Love, or conversely to recoil in fear, pain and stagnation.

Thus the 11 Universal vibration year will bring about a planetary rLOVEution of grand proportions and connect EARTH back to the HEART (just move the H from the end to the beginning) of LOVE (Live, One, Vibrational, Energy).

With Pluto (transformation) sitting in the sign of Capricorn (hardwork, honesty, integrity) until 2024 and also in January 2009 Jupiter (expansion) sitting in Aquarius (humanitarian, visionary) for the next 12 months… our 2009 vibrational 11 year is being powered by visionary & humanitarian principles of change. Change for the greater good of all.

This change is happening now from the ground up, and we are noticing the effects around us as we witness the breaking down of outmoded authority structures, governments, financial markets and religion.

In a Universal 11 year, we have the choice to react to these changes in fear, or actively participate in the re-building of a new society with LOVE. The choices we make this year, in a Universal 11 year have the potential to facilitate great leaps in the collective consciousness of our planet…


What we will see around the planet during 2009 are more and more people seeking answers to life’s questions, and waking up from the deep sleep or hypnotic trance of illusion. People from all nations, religions, walks of life will be propelled to speak up, express their truths and seek the truth from those in positions of power.

There is power in the masses, and the Universal 11 year will bring this to the fore. My suggestion for 2009 is to utilize the Universal 11 energy to its highest level of resonance by taking self-responsibility for all your actions.


In numerology the word ‘VIBRATION’ is the number 11, so what ‘VIBRATION’ are you creating in the world ? Are your thoughts, actions, emotions representative of your greater personal and hence collective vision, or is your VIBRATION working the 11 energy in fear ?

You have the choice to align your 11 VIBRATION in Love, Compassion & Unity … what are you going to choose in each moment throughout 2009.

As you make a list of your choices, your visions for a greater self, and the goals and dreams of life during 2009, take a moment to reflect on other ‘11’ words in numerology that you may like to consciously work with 2009 to move through the gateway of LOVE.

ENERGY – 11 in Numerology
How will you direct your ENERGY (11) from within, thus your VIBRATION(11)ary field during 2009 ?

LIGHT – 11 in Numerology
The Light of Creation is within you, you are the ALL of Creation. Thus during 2009 take acknowledge your infinite power within, and create the change from the inside out.

WISDOM – 11 in Numerology
All the Universal Laws and WISDOM (11) of Creation resides within you also, as you are the ALL. Thus during 2009 there is no need to search for answers external to you, as all the answers reside within.

PURITY – 11 in Numerology
Align your ENERGY(11), LIGHT(11), WISDOM(11) in the PURITY(11) of the LOVE of Creation. It is from this point that all healing begins.

DIVINE EMANATION – 11 in Numerology
There are twelve DIVINE EMANATION(11)s or Universal Laws that underpin the workings of Creative Evolution of all Creation.

PURPOSE – 11 in Numerology
What is your PURPOSE(11) here on Earth, and how may you work to the highest level of this purpose in this lifetime. An 11 vibration year is the perfect year to reconnect with ‘how may I serve’.

HEALING – 11 in Numerology
Take the time during 2009 for HEALING(11). Heal the pain of duality within, give compassion, understanding and forgiveness to self. Heal the Healer.

ANGELS - 22 in Numerology (11:11)
We have an angel standing each side of us, ANGELS(22), guiding our ascension journey. We are not alone, we are all ONE.

During 2009, if you would like to awaken to the divine energy of Creation within, and consciously work with the 11 Vibration, then you may like to consider a self study course, workshop, or practitioner/teacher course. ( Kit's Bit: I highly recommend a Tony Robbins event. You can learn more at this link.)

The article is © Simone M Matthews 2008 and it appeared at this link.

Happy New Year My Dear Friends,
Let Us Make Love and Peace on Planet Earth This Year.

Kytka, Zachary, Zanna & Zynnia

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Children's Voices Shall Change the World

Please take a moment to listen to the voice of this young angel, and his message...

Performed by Declan Galbraith

Love & Light~
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Check out A Personal Message From Tony Robbins

Here it is - another incredible addition to this blog. You realize that you HAVE ALL YOU NEED to get exactly what you want in life...  And this blog, and the pages and pages of info here is FREE... So what are you waiting for? 

 A Personal Message From Tony Robbins 

May you come to realize that TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Check out Musts vs. Shoulds: The Power Of Clarity And Purpose

I want you to take a look at:

Musts vs. Shoulds: The Power Of Clarity And Purpose 

Live With Passion!

Get Whatever You Want - You Deserve It!

Use Your Power to Get Whatever You Want
By Andreas Ohrt
Editor, Mind Power News

Over the past 18 years, I have been obsessed with learning how we
can change our reality with the creative power of our minds. I've studied dozens of experts, read hundreds of books, and spent thousands of dollars in this quest. Through all of my experimentation, I've discovered that there are five simple core principles at the heart of the creation process.

In this short article, I have tried to make this knowledge assimple as humanly possible. I want every single person reading this to be able to take this information and use it, easily and quickly. Here then, is the most simple possible explanation of the power ofyour creative energy. Follow these five steps, and any goal can be yours.

Yes, it seems so obvious, doesn't it?

Yet this most basic fist step is missed by the majority of people. You must know what you want as specifically as possible. This is the magic first step.

Daydreaming about your future will not bring you what you want. Waiting for life to work out the way you've always expected won't bring you what you want. The only way to get what you want is to decide, with clarity and focus, exactly what you want to create.

So how do you know what you want? Well, it's very simple. Write down your desires, your dreams, and everything that you want for your life. Then pick the one thing on your list that you know you could accomplish if you dedicated some energy to it. Pick that one and forget about the rest. Pick the very next goal in the creation of your live and go for it.

Focus, focus, focus. Don't waste your energy wishing and dreaming for a million and one things. Pick one and go with it. Just as the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so does the journey to your ideal life begin with a single goal.

So begin with an easy, do-able goal, so far unaccomplished, plug iti nto this 5-step system. Write down as specifically and exactly what it is you will create. After it's finished, move on to the next goal.

You must give positive focus, energy, and attention to your goal. Setting a goal and then forgetting about it will not do. You must imprint it on your conscious and subconscious mind until it becomes reality.

Remember, thought is blindingly fast compared to the manifestation of thoughts into reality. Of course, as you practice this system and become more confident, your thoughts will come into reality much more quickly. But as a beginner, you must keep your energy and intention directly on your goal.

You must focus on what you want, not on what you don't want. Stop complaining about things that are not the way you want them to be. Instead, decide how you would like them to be and focus on that. Whenever you find yourself giving attention to some area of your life with which you are unhappy, immediately ask yourself "What do I want in this situation?" and focus on the answer.

Take a look at your goal every day, give it positive focus and attention. Before you fall asleep and after you wake up, instead ofworrying about your problems, imagine your goal successfully attained, and feel how you would feel if your goal was accomplished. Go to sleep with this feeling, and your subconscious mind will quickly find a way to bring it into your reality.

You must take action towards your goal, and you must take action right now! There is no other time that you can act. The past isgone, the future is an illusion. Making plans to take action is not action. You must take action right now.

There is always something that you can do to propel you towards your goal. It doesn't matter how tiny the action is, or how insignificant you might feel it is, you must do it. There is always some small step you can take. Take that step.

You must convince your subconscious mind that you are serious about accomplishing your goal, and there is nothing more convincing than taking action.

No matter where you are along your path to your goal, no matter how near or far you mights feel to be, there is always an obvious next step you can take. Take that step in this present moment. Right now.

If you have trouble figuring out what to do, or are paralyzed into inaction because it seems there are too many things to do, just do this: Make a list of all the things that need to happen in order for your goal to arrive. List all the intermediary steps that you will experience as your goal begins to enter your life.

Somewhere on this list will be the obvious next step. Do it. Do it now!

If your goal is truly out of your hands, you need a new goal. Waiting for other people to change or give you what you want is a sure way to always be unsatisfied. You must pick a goal you are in control of and do whatever it takes to make it come true. That is the only path to power and mastery in life, and the only way to ever feel fulfilled.

You must be consistent. You must, consistently, choose the same goal every day until your goal is accomplished. You cannot send out constantly changing vague wishes into the universe and expect to create results in the real world.

It's as simple as ordering a meal in a restaurant. You must decide what you want and then ask for it. If you can't make up your mind the waiter will simply serve someone else until you're ready. If you do not provide the universe with a specific goal which you consistently take action toward, your "meal" will never come to you.

And the most important secret of all, DON'T GIVE UP UNTIL YOUR GOAL IS ACCOMPLISHED.

This article is excerpted from the e-book, "Mon.ey Making Secrets of Mind Power Masters,"

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kids and Abundance in Recession Times

A few weeks ago I interviewed Jenn Munger on "Creating Abundance in a Recession."

We discussed ways we can influence our children to nurture their "prosperity consciousness."

But did you ever wonder, exactly how to do that?

I know I face this challenge every day. My kids wanta lot of things and I have tobite my tongue sometimes from saying, "Sorry, honey. We can't afford that."

Instead, I say, "How can we create a plan to get that new Ipod or cell phone?"

Well, I have some really great news concerning this topic.

I've just discovered how you can"teach" your child or grandchild the principals of The NEW "Think And Grow Rich" through a UNIQUE Training Program that even a 5-year-old can Master!

Think Your Way to Riches Kids' Style work book is NOT a book you read and put on a shelf to gather dust! This kids style study course is a comprehensive Visual and Audio package that takes you and your child by the hand and walks you through a complete 13 pointstep-by-step plan, allowing your child to discover THEIR personal pathway to riches.

It teaches them how to think abundant thoughts, plus gives them ideas on how to make organized plans for their future success.

You can learn more about it here - just eneter the site and then search for "think your way to riches".

I personally think this is a fantastic holiday gift idea. Not only is it fun, it will teach them valuable lessons about how to create abundance that they'll be able to use for a lifetime.

It really is an awesome system, and let's face it...They don't teach this stuff in schools!

And now, more than ever, it's importantthat we share these abundanceprinciples with our families. (This program will help elevate YOUR prosperity consciousness too!)

Abundance is yours for the receiving. It's just a matter of choosing to believe moment by moment, that you are abundant. And when you forget, you can gently remindyourself.

Here's to your happiness and success!
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Stress Busting Activities

21 stress-busting activities that you can refer to next time you may need it. Most of them do not cost anything and take little time to do. Let me share them with you...
  1. Breath deeper
  2. Focus on the moment
  3. Connect with nature (even just looking out of the window and consciously connecting with something you see outside helps)
  4. Take a bath (going to the Spa is even better when possible)
  5. Laugh as much as possible
  6. Watch the news as little as possible (just enough to know what is going on in the world)
  7. Make love
  8. Get enough sleep (very important!)
  9. Dance
  10. Sing
  11. Stretch
  12. Be kind to self
  13. Eat chocolate
  14. Put things in perspective
  15. Change your expectations (of self, others, or the circumstances)
  16. Spend time with people you love to be with
  17. De-clutter the closet
  18. Clear your working space
  19. Cry if you feel like it (release emotions)
  20. Help someone else who is stressed
  21. Be grateful

“Everything works out in the end.
If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end”
~ Unknown

Shift - A Game to Change Your Life

Shift is a board game for 2-6 players. It is about Love, Fear, Work, Relationships and Human Behavior …and it might just change your life.

Have you ever wondered why some see a sunset and immediately become grateful while others see a sunset and immediately think, "Man, where did the day go?"

Or why some people can spill a glass of wine and think that will make a great story, while others will see it as having the same catastrophic impact as the sinking of The Titanic, and then conclude it was the vineyards fault for making the wine? Then, get these answers and more… Shift is a personality x-ray machine that enables you to see what’s driving your friends and most importantly, what’s driving you.

All it takes is a shift in thought to shift your life…

Shift includes thoughts from great minds such as Buddha, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and more. To put a spin on things, we’ve had our very own stand-up comedian take some of these concepts and make them more fun. So, go ahead and laugh!

The reason we created this game is simple. We want to remind you that you have the ability to control your thoughts once you are aware of what you are thinking. What you believe is what you will experience.

If after playing this game, you start seeing where your thoughts are coming from, then we all win. And, if you can actually change those thoughts, can you imagine what we will be able to shift?

To your conrinued growth and success!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Leap, The Movie, RELEASED Today!

From the Creators: After 2 years of following our inspiration, Leap! launches tonight. Chad and I began this guided journey over two years ago and this evening, we'll see the fruits of our nature. Leap! is not another "woo woo, we're all one" production.This movie is non duality for the Pepsi Generation. Throughout history, interpretations have needed to be updated as new generations arrived. Leap! is not a movie about a lost secret or hidden tool. It's a contemporary look at the oldest idea in the human consciousness. Leap! takes you back to the origin of your true nature and creates a gateway for you to begin the longest journey back to a place you never left.

"It was never about making a movie, but about documenting our discovery of the nature of this thing called "reality." We realized that when we wake up to who we truly are, it's a very freeing and empowering experience, and we wanted to share that. We encourage you to follow your inspiration in every area of your life!"
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Monday, December 1, 2008

75% Off Mind Movies - PLUS Free Bonuses - Hurry!

Get Your Mind Movie Creation Kit for 75% Off AND Get FOUR Additional Bonuses Too! Valued at $537.00

If a whopping 75% discount isn't enough to grab your attention, these FOUR additional gifts surely will:

  • Bonuses 1: ($210 Value) 6 Brain Entrainment Audios specifically designed For Mind Movies by Morry Zelcovitch
  • Bonuses 2: ($47 Value) David Wolfe's - The Best Day Ever - Attract Wealth Through Health
  • Bonuses 3: ($195 Value) 5 Pre-Made Mind Movies specifically designed For Kidsby Amanda van der Gulik
  • Bonuses 4: ($85 Value) Joe Vitale and Hew Len - A Dinner with the Divine.
Get All The Details Of The Bonuses Here:

Yes, that's a ton of life changing power tools for you,and you get them ALL just for trying the entire system for 75% off.

Get Yours Here And Get Started

To your lasting success and happiness,

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Law of Attraction for Kids and Teens

Finally, A Simple Way To Learn How To Share The Law of Attraction With Kids and Teens

Whether You’re Brand New To The Law of Attraction, Or Whether You’ve Been “Consciously Creating” Your Life For Years, You’re About To Learn The Exact Techniques Parents Use to Help Raise Happy, Fulfilled Kids and Teens

Have you often asked yourself...

How can I share The Law of Attraction with my kids when I’m not sure I understand it myself?
How can I start saying what I want instead of what I don’t want to my kids?
How can I ever make a difference when my husband (wife) is so negative?
Or, How Can I (fill in the blank)?

You'll also receive a Free Guide, "The 7 Secrets of How To Share the Law of Attraction With Kids And Teens" just for signing up! ;-)
To your continued growth and success!
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Raw Food Guru Has Some INCREDIBLE NEWS!

My Dear Friend, Raw Foods Guru David Wolfe, reveals the most dangerous invention in the history of the world and you will be so surprised what it is and how it affects you...

Please take the time to watch this important video.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Have Some Fun Today....

You are here to transmute the business of life. You are here to raise the vibration of everything in the world. You are here to raise the consciousness of the world. You are to make this a world of joy. As you may already give joy to your children, have fun with them, hold them high in your arms, look in their eyes, adore their Beingness, so are you to hold the world up and give it delight.

To you who may complain how the world treats you, I ask you to be benevolent to the world. Reasons to be disillusioned with the world abound. All the more reason for you to raise the world a note. If not the world, then your world, your world of home and work. Can you not make it a delight for all others in your world to feel joy? Whether it be your wife or the checkout girl at the supermarket, can you not raise their spirits?

Instead of waiting for the world to suit you, why not suit those around you?

If you are feeling glum, all the more reason for you to lighten up.

Have it in mind that the world is to enjoy. When it is not, it is for you to tickle it under the chin. You have a choice to continue glumness, or to exchange it for some joy, even when the joy is someone else's. That is the least you can do.

Glumness is not something you have to keep beside you. You don't have to wait for it to decide to go away on its own. You can turn away from it. You can abandon it before it abandons you. A down in the mouth mood does not have to linger. You can give it a push out the door. You must, beloveds. A sour mood is not to supersede a wakeful mood. Be lively. Forget your mood. Uplift someone. You are not the only one who needs to be uplifted.

Transmute the business of life into fun. Be fun. Let it be that everyone looks forward to your arrival. Let it be that everyone can't wait until you arrive because, even if they don't know how you do it, you raise their spirits. You don't have to be a comic. You just need to bring a little joy, a little straightening-up of shoulders. You are not a pretender to the throne of joy. You are the one who carves it in your daily life.

Perhaps you were never told to go out into the world and have fun. Perhaps you were told to always be serious. Perhaps, like The Three Little Pigs, you set out to make your fortune in the world. By all means, circumvent the wicked wolf. The wicked wolf is joylessness, beloveds.

Go out into the world to seek joy and to deliver it. You are the one to put a lightness into your step. You are the one to give happiness on your way. Did anyone ever tell you that? Did anyone ever tell you to take delight in life? Perhaps the world has taught you to be serious, very serious. Now I tell you to be lighthearted. What does the world offer you that you would give up joy for? While you are at it, why not joy?

No matter whom you are with, no matter what you are doing, take joy. And if you cannot take joy, then make joy. Enjoy anyway. What's the use of anything without joy?

King Midas counted his gold when he could have counted joy.

Be a happy person today. Get to know yourself as one who leaves joy in his wake wherever he goes.

More Heaven Letters

May You Never Wait to Live!

Life goes by rapidly. Don't delay. Don't put it off. Don't wait until you have some spare time. Don't wait until the time's "right." ~ Ken Keyes

If you were told you had only one moment left, what would you do? Would you panic and, therefore, waste the moment?

Or would your live as you had never lived before, breathing in the oxygen-rich air and letting it fill your lungs completely, opening your eyes to the beauty all around you and giving thanks for such extraordinary lushness, and noticing — perhaps for the first time ever — how abundantly blessed you already are?

Your answer will determine how you spend this moment which, by the way, is the only one you have. It's called NOW.

May you never wait to live.

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Weight Management ;-)

"A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, 'How heavy is this glass of water?' Answers called out ranged from four ounces up to twelve. The lecturer replied, 'The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it.

"'If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.'

He continued, "And that's the way it is with stress management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on. As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden, if we feel we must.

"'So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you're carrying now, let them down for a moment. Relax. Pick them up later after you've rested.'"

~ Author Unknown
May you just let it all go!
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Sunday, November 23, 2008

1 Minute to "Go Get 'Em!"

Don't ever let somebody tell you... you can't do something.

Not even me.

You want something. Go get it. Period.

Make the most of each moment!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.
~ William James

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"No arms, No legs, No worries!" -- Nick Vujicic

Awaken each day and practice Gratitude for all of the blessings that you do have in your lives...

May you continually be blessed as the Universe unfolds before you!
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek
“If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another.”
~ Tenzin Gyatso, The 14th Dalai Lama

December Basket Brigade - 'Tis The Season!

“One person can make a difference and every person should try.”
~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Please Join Us This Year in Helping Feed Families

What is Basket Brigade?

Basket Brigade is a group of volunteers donating and delivering tailor made gift baskets of food for a Thanksgiving or Christmas feast to families in need. What began more than 30 years ago by Tony Robbins as an individual effort to feed families in need, has now grown into the Anthony Robbins Foundation's International Basket Brigade, providing baskets of food and household items for an estimated 2 million people annually in countries all over the world.

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something and I will not refuse to do the something I can do." ~ Helen Keller


The International Basket Brigade is built on a simple notion: one small act of generosity on the part of one caring person can transform the lives of hundreds. It takes only one light to dispel the darkness, and even just one basket or a few, to bring hope! Therefore...
We ask you to please join us in Pinellas County's first annual Basket Brigade which we are coordinating. Our goal is to feed 100 families this year and we need your help to accomplish this goal.

“Think of giving not as a duty, but as a privilege.” ~ John D. Rockefeller
Ways You Can Help:
  • Donate one or more completed baskets or donate supplies for baskets
  • Donate Money to buy baskets and supplies ($35 fills one basket)
  • Volunteer Your Time to put baskets together and deliver to families
  • Be a Recipient Ranger - Rangers identify prospective recipients or geographic areas where baskets will be delivered.
  • Volunteers who have a knack for P.R. can assist by preparing a press release(s) to the community and deliver it to the media. Depending on the scale of your Basket Brigade, you may wish to contact local papers and invite reporters to personally cover your event.

Who Can Help?

Anyone and everyone!! The Basket Brigade is about giving. Give in whatever way you can, as much as you can. This is a great opportunity for children to be involved in to truly learn about the spirit of GIVING this holiday season. Click here for your Volunteer Pledge Form.

Please email your pledge form info to us ASAP to or visit the contact page for more options.

Suggestions for Baskets:

Please Shop For a Family of 5!

  • Laundry Basket (a must - try Big Lots or the Dollar Store)
  • Aluminum Baking/Roasting Pan (a must)
  • A Turkey Voucher (SweetBay has these , Publix does not) or a $10 gift card to buy a turkey
  • Canned Cranberry Sauce
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Canned Fruit
  • Bread
  • Boxed Stuffing
  • Canned Gravy
  • Boxed Mash Potatoes
  • Canned Soups
  • Cookies, Cakes or Pies
  • Juice Packets, Cider or Kool-Aid
  • Paper Products, Laundry Products, Soaps & Lotions

Make your baskets truly wonderful. Decorate them beautifully with ribbons, bows and more. Use your creativity and imagination. Fill them with a combination of delicious goodies and practical items. Your basket should convey that it is a gift, not a handout; a present, not charity! Please do not pack any used ietms. Click here for pdf file of supplies list.

An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching. ~ Mohandas Gandhi

It will take about $35 to a basket. Each basket will have a message in it that reads: "This comes to you from someone who cares about you. All we ask is that you take care of yourself well enough to be able to do this for someone else someday."

Again, be sure to decorate your baskets and make them look special! Remember, this is a gift, and a present, not charity. Get the kids involved! Make this FUN!! Remember to keep your spirit of giving in check!

To get further inspired and educated on what the Basket Brigade is all about, I invite you to watch these short youtube videos...Click Here To Watch Basket Brigade Videos

Be the change that you want to see in the world. ~ Mohandas Gandhi

We look forward to working together to make a difference this year by delivering hope and love into the hearts of those who need it most. We hope you can join us to make this Holiday Season, one of the best ever...

With Blessings & Love,

Kytka "Kit", Zachary, Zanna and Zynnia Jezek

"Everyone has the need to contribute. It is one of the six human needs. If you give from your heart, it will come back to you tenfold."~ Anthony Robbins ~

Contribution is one of the six human needs. This is our basic philosophy. The Anthony Robbins Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and extends an invitation for all to contribute.
Please click the basket below to make a financial contribution for a completely filled basket purchase!

If the above links do not work (the freewebs site may not allow it) then you may donate by visiting and making your donation in $35 increments to the following email: Each $35 will be used to fill a basket.

If we have the opportunity to be generous with our hearts, ourselves, we have no idea the depth and breadth of our loves reach. ~ Margaret Cho

Visit the website at:

you may donate to at

Friday, November 21, 2008

Teach Your Children to Set and Achieve Goals!

How to help your child be a goal setting child

Goal setting for children is basically the same as for adults, with a few caveats. Because they are young, and not as emotionally or cognitively developed, goals should be smaller and more tangible.

The idea with goal setting for kids is to get them started in the life-long frame of mind for thinking, planning and taking action to achieve results. The basic premises of goal setting remain the same.

You can help your child learn to set goals by working through these steps with him:

Ask, “What do you want to achieve?” – Help your child describe in specific terms something he would like to do that will take some work/planning (getting an A on his next math test, earning money to purchase a certain kind of bicycle).

Ask, “How will you get there?” – Help him plan out the steps to take and the mini-goals to reach on his way to the ultimate goal. Establish accountability – Have your child write down what he wants to achieve and what his plan for getting there is. He can read it each day to help him with personal accountability, and he can share it with you, or another trusted adult to help him stay motivated, inspired and on-track.

Achieve – Achievement is not only for the final outcome, but also for the small goals that are met along the way.

Review plan/goals/outcomes – Throughout the process and at the end as well, review with your child the plan and how it is going. Do adjustments need to be made? How does he feel about his progress and where it is leading? How was the goal setting experience for him?

If your child does not reach his ultimate goal, talk to him about what he learned on the way. He still has learned valuable lessons about planning and goal setting, and he’s probably learned about himself.

Encourage him to not give up on dreams that are important to him, but that if one plan doesn’t work, he has to revise the plan and try again.

Teaching your child to be a goal-setting child is one of the best things you can do. You will be giving him or her, a valuable gift that they will use for their entire lives, empowering them to achieve wonderful things in every area of life.

Goal setting for kids is a skill that will be built on throughout an entire lifetime.

This program is DESIGNED to be fun and exciting – and it works!

Click here to learn more.

Goal setting for kids!
It’s what we’ve been waiting for.

Have fun with your family!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Click here for Go for Your Goals

Winsome Coutts holds a teacher’s certificate in education and has written hundreds of articles on self-development. She has studied with Bob Proctor and John Demartini, popular teachers featured on “The Secret” DVD. She is the passion behind the The Goal Setting for Kids Books Above and is a parent and grandparent.

“Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.”

~ Albert Camus

The Most Important Books for Kids EVER!

The Most Important Books for Kids EVER

That’s a pretty big statement, but I seriously think that's how important this is.

Everyone says the future is in our kids, right?

Well, isn't it time kids too learn the crucial skills of setting and achieving goals?

What about the Law of Attraction then?

Hardly ANY school teaches those things, and I'm not so sure we can afford to wait any longer.

Well check out the first books EVER to explain goal setting and the Law of Attraction in terms your children will understand:-

Click here to learn more

What if you could:-

  • Show your kids how they can finally make their wishes come true

  • Help your child experience systematic accomplishment again and again (after you're done, you'll know for sure they will ALWAYS be okay...)

  • Show your child the way to repeated success and the pride of achievement

  • Help your child feel significant and competent... because now their success does NOT depend on their teachers, or even you!

  • Give your child a TRUE SENSE OF PURPOSE (it'll carry them through thick and thin, for the rest of their lives)

Surely by now you can tell I think this is the best thing since ‘sliced bread’

This program is DESIGNED to be fun and exciting – and it works!

Click here to learn more.

Goal setting for kids! It’s what we’ve been waiting for.

Have fun with your family!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Click here for Go for Your Goals

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tony Talks About Focus

Whatever your definition is, you deserve to be fulfilled in whatever direction you take your life. The challenge is that in today's complex world, it's so easy to get caught in the process of achieving so much, that it's sometimes easy to lose focus of what you really want.

We believe to attain an extraordinary life—a life on your terms, one filled with unbridled joy, ultimate success and lasting fulfillment—it's imperative you make progress in the areas of life that are most important to you. Anthony Robbins has uncovered and refined a unique system for anyone who wants to take their life to the next level.

Get Focused and Live the Life of Your Dreams!
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more” ~ Anthony Robbins

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

'Tis the Season to Pay It Forward!

Hello Friends,

Please take the time to read this entire letter....

Zachary wrote a letter to Tony Robbins, and he responded by contacting us and inviting Zachary and I to his Unleash The Power Within event in Orlando this past October. In December, we will be attending his Date With Destiny event as well. We were blessed to have been able to attend the entire 5 day seminar, and to have over two hours with Tony himself in one on one conversation. The experience was very healing to us both, and we feel incredibly blessed to have been assisted and inspired by Tony to move forward on our journey after last years events. The Foundation, staff and all crew members were incredible to us, and we are still buzzing from the fact that we both walked on fire! ! Because of the generosity of everyone who made it possible for us to partake in these events, we both feel a strong need to pay it forward and to assist with his Foundations Annual Basket Brigade Event. We wish to keep the momentum of giving going for us and our friends... and what better time to jump in than the Holiday Season. 'Tis the Season to GIVE!

“One person can make a
difference and every person should try.”

~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Please Join Us This Year in Helping Feed Families

What is Basket Brigade?

Basket Brigade is a group of 100% volunteers donating and delivering tailor made gift baskets of food for a Thanksgiving feast to families in need. What began more than 30 years ago by Tony Robbins as an individual effort to feed families in need, has now grown into the Anthony Robbins Foundation's International Basket Brigade, providing baskets of food and household items for an estimated 2 million people annually in countries all over the world. For non-profit status, please request the 501.pdf document.

Who is Anthony Robbins?

Please click any of the Robbins' links on this page.


The International Basket Brigade is built on a simple notion: one small act of generosity on the part of one caring person can transform the lives of hundreds. It takes only one light to dispel the darkness, and even just one basket or a few, to bring hope! Therefore...

We ask you to please join us in Pinellas County's first annual Basket Brigade which we are coordinating. Please visit for more info.

Our goal is to feed 100 families this year and we need your help to accomplish this goal.

“Think of giving not as a duty, but as a privilege.”
~ John D. Rockefeller

Ways to Help:
  • Donate one or more completed baskets or donate supplies for baskets
  • Donate Money to buy baskets and supplies
  • Volunteer Your Time to put baskets together and deliver to families
Who Can Help?

Anyone and everyone!!

PLEASE FORWARD THIS and help us to spread the word to all of your families, friends and co-workers.

This is a great thing for children to be involved in to truly learn about the spirit of GIVING this
holiday season!

Contact: Please contact Kytka or Zachary to pledge baskets.... we need to know as soon as possible if you can donate. We want to help as many people as possible. (727) 277-3531 or via email at:

Suggestions for Baskets:

Please Shop For a Family of 5!

* Laundry Basket (a must)
* Baking/Roasting Pan (a must)
* A Turkey Voucher (SweetBay has these , Publix does not) or a $10 gift card to buy a turkey
* Canned Cranberry Sauce
* Canned Vegetables
* Canned Fruit
* Bread
* Boxed Stuffing
* Canned Gravy
* Boxed Mash Potatoes
* Canned Soups
* Cookies, Cakes or Pies
* Juice Packets or Kool-Aid
* Paper Products, Laundry Products, Soaps & Lotions

An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.
~ Mohandas Gandhi

It will take about $35 to a basket.

Each basket will have a message in it that reads:

This comes to you from someone who cares about you. All we ask is that you take care of yourself well enough to be able to do this for someone else someday.

Be sure to decorate your baskets and make them look special! This is a gift, and a present, not charity. Get the kids involved! Make this FUN!!

Forward this E-mail to anyone who may want to help!

Let us know how many baskets you are doing... we need your help!

If we have the opportunity to be generous with
our hearts, ourselves, we have no idea the depth and breadth of our loves reach. ~ Margaret Cho

To get further inspired... Zachary and I invite you to watch this short youtube video...

Be the change that you want to see in the world. ~ Mohandas Gandhi

To Your Continued Growth & Success!
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek, ND, PhD
Author, Coach, Speaker, Executive Consultant

CURRENTLY ACCEPTING A LIMITED NUMBER OF VIP COACHING CLIENTS: If you're interested in having me work with you as a coach, confidante, mentor, resource and trusted friend on your journey or personal development, please email me at:

To learn more about the Basket Bridage, please visit:

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Meaning of Namaste~

The meaning of Namaste...

Celebrate yourself every day.
Do honor to the life you have been given.
Celebrate NOW!
Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Surviving Today's Economic Uncertainty

Learn the fundamental lessons of wealth during this recession (they're not what you think)

  • Discover the Power of asset allocation
  • Learn how to build your own money machine
  • Understand the 7 areas of extraordinary wealth
  • Put the psychology of wealth to work to build financial independence

Here's to your continued success and growth...

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Good Morning on the Rebound - A Perfect Way to Begin Your Day

This is how I begin my day with my children, and we invite you to join our tradition. Dancing is a wonderful way to begin you day with JUMPING FOR JOY and having gratitude to be alive...

The rebounding motion stimulates all internal organs, moves the cerebral-spinal fluid, and is beneficial for the intestines. Many immune cells such as T-lymphocytes and macrophages are self-propelled through amebic action. These cells contain molecules identical to those in muscle tissue. All cells in the body become stronger in response to the increased "G force" during rebounding, and this cellular exercise results in the self-propelled immune cells being up to 5 times more active. These immune cells are responsible for eating viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells, so it is good that they be active. Jumping on a mini-trampoline directly strengthens the immune system, so it's a big deal!

Daily rebounding offers numerous specific health benefits:

It increases the capacity for breathing.
It circulates more oxygen to the tissues.
It helps combat depression.
It helps normalize your blood pressure.
It helps prevent cardiovascular disease.
It increases the activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.
It aids lymphatic circulation, as well as blood flow in the veins of the circulatory system.
It lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
It stimulates the metabolism, thereby reducing the likelihood of obesity.
It tones up the glandular system, especially the thyroid to increase its output.
It improves coordination throughout the body.
It promotes increased muscle fiber tone.
It offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise.
It enhances digestion and elimination processes.
It allows for easier relaxation and sleep.
It results in a better mental performance, with sharper learning processes.
It relieves fatigue and menstrual discomfort for women.
It minimizes the number of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.
It tends to slow down aging.

Read the full information and benefits at:

Love and Light~

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Friday, November 14, 2008

Get The Juice!

Not too long ago, I was in a financial situation that left me with no other choice but to listen with an open mind. I was told about an amazing business opportunity that has changed my life forever....
Now I want to share my secret with you!

Please click here for more info:

Wake Up Your Brain - Feel Alert, Focused & Ready To Go!

Many energy drinks are designed with lots of caffeine and sugar. You'll feel energy, but you can also feel nervous and tense, with an inevitable sugar crash that will leave you more tired than before. Chi3 Energy is different. Its natural ingredients give you smooth, healthy energy that lasts for hours. And Chi3 Energy is the only energy drink powered by GoChi®, the incredible goji berry super juice that's been clinically shown to increase energy, fight fatigue, and improve mental function and athletic performance. When you're feeling run down and exhausted, Chi3 Energy will wake you up and get you feeling alert, focused, and ready to go. You won't feel the crash later that you feel with other energy drinks since Chi3 Energy isn't packed full of excessive amounts of sugar, caffeine, and herbal stimulants. In their place are healthy B-vitamins, amino acids, and the super potent GoChi®. Chi3 Energy is so much more portable than canned energy drinks. Since it's only 2 ounces and doesn't require refrigeration, you can take Chi3 Energy anywhere. Carry it with you in your purse, backpack, or pocket or keep some on hand in your desk, locker, or carry-on bag. Take Chi3 Energy with you everywhere so you're always ready to go.

When to Drink Chi3 Energy?

  • To jump-start a sluggish morning

  • To supercharge your workout

  • To regain energy, focus, and concentration anytime you need it

  • To banish the midday slumps

  • To help you play at your peak so you'll always be in the game

  • To help you find that second wind anytime

  • To energize you whenever you need to get up and get going.

What to expect from Chi3 Energy...

Chi3 Energy takes an entirely different approach to fast-acting energy. It works by waking up your brain — not wiring up your body. It will increase your energy, improve your focus, and boost athletic performance.

Is Chi3 Energy suitable for vegetarians?

Chi3 Energy does not contain any animal products or substances derived from animals, so it is suitable for both vegetarians and vegans.

What are the benefits of drinking Chi3 Energy?

Chi3 Energy is scientifically formulated to deliver smooth, long-lasting energy. Metabolism-enhancing B-vitamins and mind-nourishing amino acids are skillfully combined with a healthy splash of green tea and a full ounce (30 ml) of our proprietary GoChi to give you just the right lift.

Will Chi3 cause me to "crash" like other energy drinks?

No. You'll feel alert, focused, and ready to go without the jitters or the sugar crash that can come from drinking those high-calorie, hyper-caffeinated canned energy drinks.

Still unsure?

Maybe you've read some negative press about other energy drinks as many contain large amounts of sugar, caffeine, and herbal stimulants such as guarana and ginseng. Chi3 Energy is powered by GoChi and contains only as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

Drink It In Seconds....

When you need an energy boost, you don't want to wait. But with canned energy drinks, you'd better prepare yourself to gulp down up to 24 ounces of sugary liquid just to feel any effect. Chi3 Energy packs a lot of power into a little 2-ounce bottle, so it goes to work for you fast. Now you don't have to fill your stomach to be full of energy!

Feel It In Minutes...

With Chi3 Energy, you'll begin to feel more alert, focused and refreshed within minutes. And unlike those sugary, hyper-caffeinated canned drinks, Chi3 Energy won't make you nervous or jittery. Its special blend of energizing, mind-nourishing, and mood-enhancing nutrients will give you just the right lift and improve your performance.

Lasts For Hours...

Other energy drinks use harsh stimulants and a high sugar content to give you a temporary boost, but that's followed by an energy letdown, or 'crash,' that can make you feel even more tired than before. Chi3 Energy delivers smooth, healthy, long-lasting energy without the crash or the unwanted calories that can come from drinking those high-calorie, canned drinks.

Where can I buy Chi3 Energy?

My shameless plug.... You can purchase Chi3 Energy through Kytka - your FreeLife Marketing Executive. This product is currently only available in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Additionally, I have had a great time marketing this amazing product. If you are interested in an incredible business opportunity to share healthy lifestyle products with your co-workers, clients or friends... check out the information and come on board!

I've discovered my own energy levels going through the roof, Zachary has transitioned most off his skater friends off the nasty "Red Bull" and onto the much healthier Chi3 Energy, and really - it has just been selling itself! I look forward to hearing from you! And please, if you've read this far, please watch the video - it's pretty cool with their energy drink Elvis! :-)

To watch a short video about
the miraculous properties of GoChi ENERGY, please click the link below:

To your continued growth and success!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Your Unshakable Worth!"

You are inherently loved, loving and loveable.

You deserve simply by being alive. Your worth is a given. It is your divine inheritance. You do not need to earn or validate it. It is unconditional, forever and always.

There is nothing you can do to lose it, and nothing you need do to win it.

To that end, I want to share a story someone sent be email. I'd seen a speaker relay this myself, and it's a wonderful metaphor that brings home this truth. A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a 20 dollar note.

In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this 20 dollar note?"

Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this to one of you but first, let me do this. "He proceeded to crumple up the 20 dollar note.

He then asked, "Who still wants it?"
Still the hands were up in the air. Well, he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth 20 bucks.

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.

"Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to the universe and those who DO LOVE you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE. You are special - Don't EVER forget it.
May you continually be blessed as the Universe unfolds before you!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What on earth is NLP and how can it help me?

The ultimate purpose of hypnosis and hypnotherapy is to help you dissolve any inner obstacles, so that your innate greatness can freely express through you, enabling you to live a life that is greater and more wonderful than anything you have yet even imagined possible.

Hypnosis is an art and a science of creating subjective experience of reality which in turn influences objective experience of reality. It is summed up in expressions "As within, so without", "As above, so below".

Hypnosis is a science because it is governed by the Laws of the Mind, also called the Laws of the Spirit. These laws arise out of the principle of Oneness - The Law of One. The principle of Oneness states that:

The entire universe is mind-like in nature, created out of living, conscious, intelligent energy - everything including thoughts in your mind, cells in your body, plants, animals, weather, money, planets and galaxies. We live in this Infinite Ocean of Living Intelligent Energy and moreover - because we comprise it, we are It. Quantum physicists speak of it as quantum reality, spiritual traditions as spiritual reality (God, Tao, etc), and what you need to keep in mind is that it permeates what we call "physical reality", too.

Everything is interconnected - and that is why you already are influencing everything - from your own mental, emotional and physical wellbeing to someone else's - regardless of whether that someone else is physically present or not. Remember? The universe in which we live is mind-like in nature. The moment you think a thought, you are exerting an influence (energy follows thought). The extent of your influence will depend upon the energy invested in the thought you think, and any other relevant thought.

Hypnosis is an art because there is infinite number of ways in which you can play with and alter subjective reality - yours, or someone else's. The secret of successful self-hypnosis is in learning how to play the game of pretending really well. You choose what you want to experience and pretend that it is real for you now.

The truth is - you have been playing this game your entire life - perhaps unconsciously and unknowingly. To be sure, people around you helped - in different ways they influenced how you should think and act and feel - and then you continued to make your choices and created experiences that validated the perception of the world you accepted. In time you set up a feed-back loop - you think a thought, then look for something in the external world to validate it and confirm it. This in turn, reinforces the original thought, and as the same pattern repeats, you reinforce your chosen beliefs about reality. Your beliefs then influence your experience of reality automatically. If you don't like what you are experiencing you can begin by changing your thoughts by choosing what you want to experience and taking care and control of your mind.

If you don't care to take control of your mind, others will do their best to do it for you. It begins with your parents who most often do have your best interests at heart, though they can only teach you what they have learned. It then continues with educational institutions whose main interest is in turning you into a socially-productive individual who will pledge allegiance to and feel dependent upon the external world or rather the powers that govern the specific country.

It is not in their interest to turn you into a fearless human being who is fully aware of and capable of using his mental faculties, who knows that his thoughts create his reality, because then you cannot be controlled and manipulated. It is in their interest to keep you feeling slightly anxious, afraid, slightly inadequate, insecure, and helpless - feeling good enough to be socially productive, but not so good that you stop participating in a never-ending chain of purchasing pills and goodies that will at least for a few moments make you feel a little bit better. In this way you keep on fueling economy, which is good for the country.

That's why, after you get sufficiently brainwashed through the schooling system, you get more helpings through daily newspapers, news and TV programs. In this way, your mind gets a new daily dose of programming with fresh disasters in the world, lest you forget that there is a possible danger lurking behind every corner. You get more helpings through flashy advertisements. They are all happily programming your subconscious mind, whether you are aware of it or not.

Companies are investing billions of dollars each year on advertising because it is a wonderful way of hypnotizing people - of influencing people's thoughts and emotions - and it works. When you keep on flashing an idea - whether through words, pictures, music, movies or any other form - day in and day out - it becomes so familiar to the people that they accept it as their own.

You can do the same for yourself - by flashing to yourself ideas of the things you desire to experience in your life and out of the infinite ways in which you can do this here are just a few - choosing the thoughts you think, working with affirmations, using hypnosis recordings, hanging out with people who have accomplished what you desire to accomplish, choosing what you read and what you watch, choosing the songs you listen to, making treasure maps and essentially surrounding yourself with anything that helps you to keep your mind focused on your desired outcome - as if it were already a part of your life now. You are the only person responsible for your life. Let go of the past and embrace your power to create the life you'd enjoy living now.

Hypnosis CDs are tools designed to help you access, unleash and use the Infinite Loving Power within you - in a constructive and empowering way so that you can enjoy your life and share your blessings with the world.

While hypnosis recordings generally require your active mental participation, and you should listen to them when you are in a relaxed, yet alert state of mind; you can listen to subliminal, supraliminal or supraliminal plus recordings at any time of day, even while you are engaged in other activities.
Hypnosis recordings - depending upon the issue they are designed to help you deal with - use different techniques from traditional hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming or different esoteric, alchemical and spiritual traditions.

Subliminal, supraliminal and supraliminal plus recordings use only direct suggestions - positive statements related to accomplishment of a specific goal. They are designed to deliver suggestions directly to your subconscious mind.

If you subscribe to the newsletter,
you can download many FREE hypnosis, subliminal, supraliminal or supraliminal plus recordings in MP3 format.

I promise you will find numerous books related to hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), as well as books related to healing, sexuality, huna shamanism, spirituality, alchemy and some basic quantum physics.

To your continued growth and success!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Empower Walk - Metabolism Secret to Keeping the Weight Off!

Empower Walk’s "no sweat, no hunger" promise regarding losing weight and achieving optimum health centers around the uniqueness and sophistication of our Master Weight Loss Strategy. The creators of Empower Walk have spent years perfecting this strategy which offers virtually everyone with even the slimmest of motivations the ability to realize success where attempts with other weight loss programs may have resulted in unfulfilled expectations.

The new, emerging secret to weight loss and maintenance is to get both body and mind ready, willing and equipped to proceed with confidence and determination. This dual focus of preparing your body and your mind is the bedrock of Empower Walk’s success as well as the philosophical basis for the program.

Since thinking and acting are seamlessly linked in our mind-body network, new behavior patterns can generate new thinking patterns just as new thinking can generate new behaviors. This bi-directional process allows humans to achieve a goal from either of two points of origin. For maximum, sustained benefit Empower Walk works both ends of this behavior modification principle.

We will provide you the educational and behavioral tools necessary to achieve your new, thinner, healthier physical form while simultaneously helping you absorb and permanently integrate potent mindset changes that allow these new behaviors to become automatic lifestyle changes.

As your new, more physically symmetrical form begins to appear in your mirror week by week you’ll find that a "can do" identity layer has been added or reinforced within you so that as you continue through the program achieving the various milestones becomes a life-changing, confidence-building event and alters how you think about other challenges in your life as well.

Aaaah, finally a weight loss program that WORKS!


To your continued growth and success

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Tummy Calming Aid...

Do you struggle with Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, IBS, Diverticulitis, or another digestive disorder? You are not alone. Fortunately, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have experienced safe and natural relief with the help of AloeElite™. AloeElite™ provides the mechanism for powerful internal healing, working to restore your digestive health.

Unlike pharmaceuticals, which can produce side effects worse than the actual disease, AloeElite™ is all natural, 100% non-toxic, and has no negative side effects.

The body will not build up a resistance to the product and frequent use can only help normalize the functions of the body. AloeElite™ is safe for children and adults of all ages, in all states of health, and can be taken in conjunction with any prescription medications with no contraindications.

My friend was on this and it helped her immensely, so I am sharing the information here...

May you continually be blessed as the Universe unfolds before you!

Kytka "Kit" Hilmar-Jezek

Weight loss program with 92% success rate that keeps it off for good. Immediate download available now!